Join us for a free preview lesson for Young Musicians Course 1 (ages 6-7)!
This 45 minute sample class plus Q&A time is a great chance to visit our school, meet our teachers and learn more about the FUNdamentals of music.
Parental attendance is required.
Click here to reserve your spot in an upcoming preview class. Space is limited.
Young Musicians Course Overview
Ages of Students: 6 and 7 year olds
Class Schedule: One class per week
Parent Participation: Optional
Musicianship is taught through the use of a keyboard. Students will be involved in the following activities:
- ♪ Singing
- ♪ Ear training
- ♪ Repertoire (keyboard pieces)
- ♪ Ensemble playing (group performance)
- ♪ Keyboard harmony
- ♪ Arranging
- ♪ Keyboard technique
- ♪ Sight singing
- ♪ Sight playing
- ♪ Theory
Music is Child’s Play. The Young Musicians Course is founded on the belief that every student loves music. During the two-year program, students participate in activities that teach basic musical skills and encourage independence, creativity and self-expression. The course appeals to the imagination of a young mind and becomes an integral part of your child’s growth.
Yamaha Teachers are Dedicated. They are also eager to work with young children and parents. Committed to providing happy, rewarding first musical experiences, these college-trained musicians and educators have passed demanding tests in musicianship while completing rigorous training prior to certification by the Yamaha Music Education System.
Upon Completion of the Course. Once your student has completed the Young Musicians Course, he or she will take part in a “Fundamental Skills Survey” to confirm his or her musical achievement. Teachers refer to Survey results to correctly place students in advanced courses of study such as the Junior Extension Course and Junior Special Advanced Course. As the students develop more advanced musical skills, they are also encouraged to express themselves by performing and composing their own music through programs like Junior Original Concert.